Luther's Teaching
Whenever we begin to wonder about why we were born or why bad things happen to good people or what God is really like, we are doing theology.
Theology (from the Greek, "the word about God") deals with our questions about God and how we answer those questions.
How sad it would be if no one celebrated when we were born, or noticed that we were growing into an adult, or rejoiced at our wedding, or cared enough to comment on our dying. The rites and sacraments of the church are there to help us remember that God celebrates and notices and rejoices and cares. They are there to get us going on our journey with God and to sustain and nourish our faith along the way.
And finally the church is there to commit us for time and eternity into the hands of our loving God.Grace
Grace is the word we use to talk about God's love.
Grace is the most important word in Christian vocabulary. Because God's grace is shared in our worship through holy words and sacred ceremonies, we Lutherans sum up the core ministry of the church with the phrase "Word and Sacrament".
Holy CommunionAll are welome. Mount Zion offers Holy Communion the first and third Sunday of the month and on festival Sundays (i.e. Christmas and Easter). We leave it up to parents to choose whether their children receive communion or receive a blessing.
Holy Baptism
Baptism is a very potent part of Christianity. In this simple ceremony with water and a few ancient words about being baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we are made part of the family of God - for all time and eternity.
God makes you part of the family for no other reason than sheer love. Baptism is a pure act of grace.
If you, or someone you know are considering baptism, for more information contact Pastor Marlys at
Funerals can be a time for discovering the strength and hope that the Christian faith offers. They are not for the dead but for the living. Funerals are a time for grieving, for remembering, and for saying goodbye; for tears and sometimes also for great joy.